My Fluffy Pillows


Kiss My Ass

I was driving today when I came accross this.

Nothing unusual. The taxi just stopped by the kerb to pick up a passenger.
By the way, here is the legend.


The Legend is in accordance to vehicle measurements.
Taxi = 2 - 2.2 lit
Me = 1.5 - 1.6 lit
Fat Merc = >2.5 lit

So I did what any driver would have done, I signaled and attempted to overtake the stationary taxi.

But then, guess what Mr Fugly Merc did?

Anyway, Fugly means fat&ugly or freaking ugly or what ever you think it means, so long as you get the picture(pun intended!)

He sped up and high beam-ed me!

Let me justify my stand, if you are able to high beam the car in front, it means that you are aware of his intentions and that you are alert. Also, it means that you are trying to feign ignorance and not give way to him.

Just because you are rich and fugly doesn't mean that the cute and tiny Nissan has to let you have it your way, ie the wrong way!

With my signal lights blinking, I inched into his lane.

And surprise surprise...

Mr Fugly Merc got horny with me. And everyone could hear how loud he was at me.

I mean, it is not as though he is unable to emphasise with the situation I was caught in.

Plus, I signaled.

And, I did not charge out of my lane abruptly.

Also, he was not that close behind me.

His fault. Period.

It was a happy ending because I got what I wanted and Mr Fugly Merc can KISS MY ASS!


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