My Fluffy Pillows


Train Commuters I Just Cannot Stand!

3rd Runner Up

The Auntie

The auntie that de-roots beansprouts on the train during her journey.

The auntie who plonks the entire handbag she kiaps under her armpits onto the ezlink detectors while exiting the fare gates.
And the card is not detected.
And a line of people behind her comes to an abrupt standstill.
And a miniature crowd starts to collude.
And everyone has to wait for her to place her bag in another way so that she can hopefully get the green light.
And than it does not work and she has to fish out her purse amidst all the tissue paper inside her bag.
And than I get damn pissed off.

The kiasu aunties that stand in the middle of the train doors and rush in against the flow of exiting passengers so that they get to rest their 屁股on the seat.

The 2 aunties who are out together, with the pro-active one rushing in first and standing in front of a seat to chope it.
And then she goes “你坐啦!” to the laggy auntie with a pressured smile.
“不用紧啦, 你坐咯.” laggy auntie replies.
“你坐啦, 你的站比我的远leh.” pro-active aunty insists.
“没有啦。你坐,你坐。” Laggy auntie says good naturedly.
Pro-active auntie sits down on her prized seat.

I WILL NOT succumb to this kind of auntie behaviour!

Or at least, I'll be an auntie with some crass!!!


I meant Class!


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