My Fluffy Pillows


Times are Bad

Not enough funds to get the lock properly repaired, so you whip out the pair of chopsticks for your lunch takeaway and voila! Fits almost perfectly.


Don't you just hate it!

You got onto the MRT and made yourself comfortable on one of the seats when you looked up and...

Ok, i know. Everyone has hairy armpits.

But not everyone displays them so proudly and openly in public at your face.

Or maybe I'm just too sensitive when it comes to other people's armpits. I think it's damn distracting!


1, 2, 3 JUMP!~

I was looking through some of photos the other day and realised that I've taken quite a couple of jump shots.

By jump shots, I mean photographs that captured me in midair.

That inspired me to blog about some of the Do's and Dont's of taking jump shots.


Don't cover your face.

The basic rules of photographing yourself is to allow yourself to be photographed. But you might look past that (literally) when you get excited.

Don't hesitate for too long.

Boing boing???

Don't photograph with someone who is out to steal the shot.

No one person should dominate the screen shot.


Do invest in a good camera.

Either the subjects are jumping at lightning speed or the camera sucks.

Do try to jump off the ground the same time as your partner.

Synchronise your jumps.

Jump within the framework.

Know your limits.

Once again, do jump within the framework of what the lens is able to capture.

This picture was not cropped or edited in any way.

Make sure your legs can be seen.

Don't hide your calves behind your thighs when you are suspended in mid air.

Get a good photographer who knows how to capture the moment.

Scenario whereby the photographer was too quick to judge.

Do get a partner who is as excited as you about the jump.

Subject on left: Really into it
Subject on right: Blah

If not, you can always force or threaten you partner to make the photo look good.

Much better.

And finally, do remember where the photographer is.

Enthusiasm is always a plus factor for jump shots, but try not to get too carried away.


Have fun taking jump shots too! Just try to photograph at places where there aren't too many people you don't know :)


i 财神爷

My parents were standing there, looking at Mr 财神爷 in awe.

The i 财神爷

There was a digital numeric display of Singaporeans favourite pastime - 4D,well within the temple's premise.

Then my grandma told me to help her remember the magic numbers, she says she also want to play.

Play what? I didn't get her.

She took out some loose change from her pockets and went to the fancy box. Slot some of the coins in then pushed the button excitedly.

The temple's piggy bank

The numbers changed!

I know I know. No big deal yeah. But I was kinda awestruck.

Singaporeans behave like little kids when it comes to those 4 numbers.