My Fluffy Pillows


Along the streets of NY

I tried to hunch in bid of emphasize the towering stance of the King Kong Building.

Sometimes, you can stand along the streets. At other times apparently, you are not allowed to.

Grand Central Station with the the Chrysler Building hovering behind.

On a random note, I always thought that the Chrysler Building looks way better than the so-much-more-famous Empire State Building. My thoughts were vindicated on our first day in NYC.

With Morgan Freeman at the entrance of the wax museum. Looks damn real, I didn't dare to stand beside him :P

With a random house along 5th Avenue which looks really pretty. Actually, all the houses along the famous street looks damn gorgeous and atas.

Times Square! The feel is totally different in daylight and at nightfall when the billboards light up.

I can't resist taking a photo at Times Square with the drain cover cause that's the gateway those people from Enchanted came in to the real world.

Ground Zero.

After this shot, I actually felt that we were quite zek ah. People died during the collapse of the twin towers and following that episode, tourist began to flock to the exact spot to take photos and gawk at the construction site.

But then, a mere 10 minutes walk later, we saw this.

New Yorkers are kinda zek ah too.

Along the Hudson River with the NYC skyline as a backdrop beneath Manhattan bridge with Brooklyn Bridge in middle ground.

One of the 4 constructed waterfalls along the cruise ride.

This has got to be the 4 most artificial waterfalls I've came across, it can't get more man-made than that. But then again, that was the intention of the artist who constructed them.


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