My Fluffy Pillows


The things people go through to look 'good'

Pain. Discomfort. Bruising. Swelling. Infection. Bleeding. Unlicensed parlours. HIV.

It actually looks kinda cool :X

Check out the not-so-fresh wounds holding up the metallic clips.

Stringing it all together.

Getting them when you are young with a well toned bod is one thing.

Removing all of them when you are old and saggy is another issue altogether. (Pulling the string forcefully will possible remove the clips. But that's just my guess.)

Can you imagine. What if she was was putting on her bra and accidentally clipped it to the wrong buckle?

Somebody call the interns from Grey's! Greg House won't bat an eyelid on this case cause its not meningitis or some other abbreviated medical shit term.

I wonder how this will look like on guy. He won't have the bra buckle problem at least. Even if he has moobs.

OK, that's another issue all together.


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