My Fluffy Pillows


Lake Tahoe

It took us close to a 3 hour drive up the winding mountains to Lake Tahoe: a lake above sea level, encircled by a ring mountains. But the view was worth the tedious drive.

Anyway, I gave up after a few a-winding turns while taking the wheel because I have this compulsive unexplainable urge to drive down the ridge of the road. Plus, I'm afraid of heights and it's scary when you do a sharp corner without the safety barricades. I know this is a little contradictory to the previous post, but yes, I am afraid of falling.

Against the magnificent view.

The gorgeous background (ahem, and foreground :P)

Here's a short series titled 'ePoser @ Tahoe'

No obstacle is too tough for me to overcome.

Set your sights afar and reach out for the skies.

You can achieve if you believe.

I know some of the 'inspiring' captions don't really match the photo capture. But that was not my point :P
Anyway, I must confess that I am a really lousy photographer. ePoser positions most of his shots my himself. I was basically a human tripod which held the device and pushed the button when he morphed into his various poses.

Next up is the 'I-am-falling-off-the-Cliff competition'.

In third place, ePoser!

Too much body + fake expression + bad photographer (the human tripod)

In second place, eLard!

Nice angle, but wrong expression (you are not supposed to be smiling when you are falling off a cliff)

In first place, is myfluffypillows!

Beautiful angle + convincing expression + unglamm model = winning photograph

There are no physical prizes for the champion. But the joy of winning: priceless~


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