My Fluffy Pillows


15000 Feet Above Sea Level (convert to meters/kilometers yourself)

We officially kicked off our trip with an exhilarating skydive!

Harness - Checked; Smiles - Checked; Parachute - Don't have

Of cause we don't have the parachute on our backs, the jumpers are strapped with the parachutes, not the inexperienced novice.

All set and ready to go!

There is no turning back once you board the plane. Plus, I wanted photos for the jump. That means that my photographer has to exit the plane before I do. If I hesitate, he would have fallen way ahead and I will look like I am too far away for a good capture.

Anyway the first few seconds were a blur. I was like wow!!! and I didn't really care about how my arms and legs should be positioned.
I was looking for my photographer! But I can't seem to locate his presence.

I felt something tugging really hard on my right hand. I didn't really bother about it because I thought it was the harness or something.

Only when the pain was released, I realised that my photographer was holding on to me the entire time!

Damn! I could have got a really good close up shot!

Sometimes, you don't have to look very far.

And my jumper decided to cover my face when I paid USD$35 for the photographer.

Get off me! (just the hands, i don't intend to free fall all the way)

I have my way of getting back at him of cause.

Revenge is sweet :P

Ok. I'm kidding. I only realised that this was what happened up in the air after viewing the photos.

Free falling

It was fun fun fun!

Post-jump expressions

To do it again means throwing USD$100 from the skies.

This is the most expensive 5 minutes of our lives.


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