My Fluffy Pillows



First up, this post was supposed to be up a few weeks ago, but I only came to remember it after browsing through the pictures in my folder.

Anyway for those of you who didn't know, I live on the 3rd story. And yes, the lift doesn't stop on the odd levels in my block, well, that's for now at least becuse the 'gahmen' is going to 'up glade' the lifts around my housing area.

So, I usually take the stairs if I'm heading down, as opposed to climbing to the 4th floor and waiting for the elevator cause I'm not exactly THAT lazy to walk down.

However I'll admit that I don't usually climb the stairs up because, paradoxical from the previous statement, I AM lazy. So I'll take the lift up tho the 4th floor then walk down 2 flights of stairs to reach the 3rd floor. Ok, let's not get into too much math.

Anyway, there was this piss stench because some #$!% decided to urinate on the staircase at the 1 and a half floor. Ya know what I mean right? Hee.

I couldn't take it because I use that flight of stairs almost everyday. So, I decided to do what Daddy always did when his sniff detectors are activated by the 'wee wee smell' along the stair wells.

Flood the steps!

See, my family has the habit of ahem, collecting waste water drained out by the washing machine to flush the toilets or occasionally, 'rinse' the corridor area. Reuse, reduce and recycle. You remember learning about the 3Rs in primary school don't you?

I heaved 3 pail fulls of H20 (cum washing detergent remnants and water soluble residue from the laundry) to the edge of the steps, unleashing the floodgates.

'HUAT Ah!' I went as the water cascade before me. Haha.

I washed away that #$!%'s sins and atoned for his wrongful deeds. Stupid asshole. Oops! I think it should be peehole in this case. *NC16 comment detected

Then I went damn! I should talk about this in my blog! And I need a photo so that you guys will know what I am talking about.

After which, I went to get my phone and switched it into camera mode before tipping over the pail of water. Haha.

The 2nd story floods up.

It was raining very heavily that day, so nobody will question about the lift landing area being so wet.

God is watching over #$!% and gave me the opportunity help #$!% right his wrongs.

Go to hell #$!% !


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