My Fluffy Pillows


The Performance

The show was slated to kick start at 8pm. But this was how the crowed fared at approximately 7.50pm.

Centre stage and the rich-ass $198SGD ticket paying patrons.

The sparse crowd littering the audience legitimate area.

Don't be mistaken, the majority are either queuing up to take a breather at the toilets (yikes!) or purchasing some you-know-you-won't-use-it-but-you-just-gotta-have-it Jay Chou embossed merchandise.
Meanwhile, Vet and I were having fun taking snapshots with our free concert souvenir.

Partners in crime.

I know this looks stupid. But it was kinda fun. Hee.

Yes. We were kiasu. 2 persons versus 12 light sticks. (They were free and expiring at the end of the month anyway PLUS we supplied to those lucky fans sitting behind and beside us)

Anyway the crowd started to get excited when the lights dimmed.

They were screaming when the stadium went pitch black.

Then, everyone started hollering as the giant screens on stage came to live.

When the speakers announced that the concert will officially commence, there were shrieks of exhilaration from all over.

As the dancers set foot on stage, they cried with anticipation once again.

So when Mr Jay Chou came into view donning his elaborate costume and his faux ponytail, it was like around 120 decibels of racket from the entire stadium crowd.

He kicked start the concert with 黄金甲 and made the audience sing along when he did his slower numbers like 開不了口. At times, everyone started singing together in unison very spontaneously, 退后 was a good example. And yeah, we went "霍霍霍霍 霍霍霍霍" bobbing our luminous light sticks and Starhub green signage so enthusiastically to the tune of 霍元甲.

千里之外 in progress.

Yes, it was a full house without a doubt.


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