My Fluffy Pillows



What country do elves hail from..?


Dick Lee

I can't believed he actually went KNNBCCB in a theater full of audience. Or more accutately, *NNBC*B.

Anyway, the video was good fun and the audience sure were enjoying themselves.


When the BF becomes Americanized...

Even I feel like slapping him in this photo. So poser! :P

My masculine BF :)

Gone are the days when he was an uncle?



The thief

I think everyone knows it is difficult to live out of your comfort zone, all alone in a foreign land. Besides having to cope with the temporary loss of your family, you have to adapt to unfamiliar habits and try to make yourself comfortable in a totally new environment.

There, you are housed with a dormitory of people, also thrown into new surroundings. Somehow, a bond of emotion might have invisibly crept up between you and those strangers. Although you don't know one another, the unspoken connection ensues because of common understanding of each other's plight.

Expecting the whole group of strangers to take care of each other seems a little too much, but at the very least, you do suppose that they will watch you back. Or at least you thought so.

A cell phone might seem like a toy gadget these days which you occasionally take out of your pockets to fiddle with and pass time. But to someone stuck someplace miles away from home, it serves as an authentic communicating device for her to find her way home.

So to the thief who stole my sis's hand phone: I hope you'll end up in hell and get fucked down there!


Words of Inspiration from the BF...

Once upon a time, there was nothing.

Then God said "Let there be light.".

It became clearer that there was - nothing.

PS: This entry is not meant to propose anti-Christ thoughts :P


La Gioconda...

During my poly days, I got to know a friend, a friend who changed the way I looked at myself - forever.

Lets call this friend of my Pau.

I remembered Pau looking at me and asking all the other friends around us "Hey. Don't you guys think that Sheila looks like Mona Lisa?"

Almost instinctive, my rebuttal went something like "Mona Lisa is ang moh and she has no eyebrows. I'm from a pure Chinese lineage and I didn't shave my eyebrows can."

But then, a strange vibe swept pass me. Followed by creased brows and puzzled gazes staring straight at me.

The Bimbo went "Eh! Really look like!"

That did it.

Since that day, my identification code in their phonebooks was changed to Mona.

But really, I think it's because of the way my hair was then. Don't think I deserve the honour to bestow any resemblance to the famous portrait in the Louvre. Some claimed her to be the most beautiful women with the enchanting smile while others speculate that its a self painting of Leonardo Da Vinci himself. The latter does not sound remotely enticing though :*

However, I do admit that my hair is as flat as a Mona Lisa's. Haha!

Anyway, here's a little something so that you can decide for yourself :P

The authentic Mona Lisa (on the flip side) ______________ Me! Duh! (3 years ago)


I learnt a new word today: wimbotic



Jay Chou

Looks like I'm gonna go after all.

Please, don't do a David Copperfield on me......or else......

You will be on my list of wanted people.

Ok. I realise that I'm getting quite retarded. I actually sound as though I am talking to Jay Chou himself right now.

In fact, I should conserve my voice and talk to him in January instead huh?


Self Interpret...

Clue: A type of feeling

PUN INTENDED!~ Well...if you look at the big picture. Ok. Now its a double pun. Haha.